Nemesis Underground by Danielle Monsch

Nemesis Underground (Entwined Realms, #2.1)

by Danielle Monsch

When it comes to The Underground, trouble is always brewing. How could it not? Whatever the particular desire, it's guaranteed to be available at the club which caters to ever being, race, and creature which exists in the New Realms...and lets them indulge in their every fantasy.

So maybe Nemesis had been looking for a little trouble. A little trouble, not the sound and fury striding in with long pale hair and attitude for days. And though Nemesis knew better, it didn't stop her from getting involved in a situation she had no business in, not after those green eyes met hers.

But there is one truth that always needs to be remembered for those indulging in what The Underground offers - Fantasy only lasts so long, and real life eventually returns. How will Nemesis deal when her world and her time at The Underground crash together in ways she never imagined?

AUTHOR'S NOTE:  Nemesis Underground is a short story whose events take place concurrent with the story The Dream Crafter. Because of that, while it doesn't end on a cliffhanger, it does contain an open ending as well as references to that book. 

Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

4 of 5 stars

This story ended too soon. There was way more to tell.

Be back soon with more. Check out my other review at

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  • Started reading
  • 29 December, 2017: Finished reading
  • 29 December, 2017: Reviewed