Reviewed by nitzan_schwarz on
Real is a book that has swarmed the net (and the blogs) when it came out - with almost all positive reviews. Add to that a hot boxer and I'm in. To my delight, Real was a good story, and I'm already looking forward the next in the series.
Brooke is the one who tells the story. She's a well put girl, used to be an athlete. She's not into the whole boxer scene, and never felt a strong attraction to a man or went totally crazy with it. Until Remy comes into the picture, that is. Through her interactions with Remy, his crew and her sister you find out what a good person she is, and how much she's been through.
What I didn't like about her, though, was the fixation on how hot Remy is and what he does to her physically. There couldn't be one time they were together that it wasn't mentioned at least once or twice, and even when he wasn't there she was thinking about it in either terms of wonder or fantasy. That kind of got on my nerves.
Remy was 100% alpha male deliciousness. He was also bad at expressing himself, so a lot of the communication in the book was through songs, which I found lovely. And, alpha or not, he was just so freakin' adorable! I loved all the times Brooke described his lion-like actions, and they all made me want to curl next to him like a cat.
But my favorite part in the story wasn't the hotness, or the sexiness or any of that. My favorite part was the disorder...
To read the rest of the review go to my blog here
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- Started reading
- 12 June, 2013: Finished reading
- 12 June, 2013: Reviewed