Reviewed by Bookbee on

4 of 5 stars

4.5 Stars

In the interest of transparency, I won my paperback copy of Sonata in a giveaway. The excerpt I read had definitely intrigued me, so when I found my copy in my mailbox I promptly tore open the package and settled in to read. Well actually, I think I devoured the book!

I was drawn quickly into this story about Ian and Jordan whose initial meeting seemed not to be the harbinger of a HEA. Even the second meeting, introducing Jordan’s son Cole to Ian, developed in a less-than-stellar fashion. But fate or the energy of the universe conspired to put them in each other’s path over and over and eventually Ian and Jordan gave in to their attraction for each other.

While Ian and Jordan’s relationship seemed more based on the physical aspects (not a bad thing at all), it was Ian’s interaction with and observances of Cole that stole my heart. Ian’s journey from solitary loner to a man open to loving a complicated child made this book for me.

A.F. Henley’s writing style was a pleasure. The pacing was varied and appropriate to the storyline’s events, illustrated most uniquely by the musical notations used as chapter titles.

A definite recommended read!

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  • 1 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 1 October, 2013: Reviewed