Reviewed by Angie on

2 of 5 stars

The Gates suffers from an extreme case of Middle Book Syndrome. Where the characters start out, is exactly where they end up. Camille and Gavin are gathering up other vampires who choose to live on earth to build up an army. They get who they can and come up with their plan of attack. At the next crescent moon, they head to the portal into Amaranth to face Samira. Things go according to plan for the most part, and then it's just a lot of waiting.

I do not understand what Gavin's plan was in The Gates. He gets his vampire army, but instead of attacking, he splits them into two groups. He joins the first and then they just talk to Samira and gain entrance through the gates and then....nothing. They all had protection spells so she couldn't touch them, but she just allows them in. All too easy. The next phase of the plan was to stay there for three months. Why? No on ever did anything accept haul water and bake bread. I did enjoy seeing what life was like in Amaranth, but I also wanted something to happen! This plan was stupid! What was the point of waiting three months for the rest of the group? Did he really think they'd be able to just hang out and not have Samira find out what's going on? Of course, she does, but nothing really comes from that either. Then they all head home plan! Seriously.

I really didn't enjoy The Gates that much. It was better than the first book in some ways, but in others, it was worse. Nothing anyone does makes any sense. And once it looks like things are getting interesting, it falls flat, or something convenient happens causing me to roll my eyes. At least there's only one more book, and hopefully something gets accomplished.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 2 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 2 June, 2014: Reviewed