Yellowcake Springs by Guy Salvidge

Yellowcake Springs (1, Set)

by Guy Salvidge

Welcome to Yellowcake Springs; a pristine, friendly, secure community of citizens involved in the maintenance of one of Western Australia's CIQ Sinocorp nuclear reactor facilities. You have nothing to fear inside the heavily - guarded community, nestled in the quiet streets between the radiation Red Zone and the razor - wired fences. Raise a family. Go to the park. Watch the sun set between the cooling towers. Lament the desperate lives of the lost ones living in the darklands outside the community, where overpopulation and starvation have created a lawless world. Feel lucky. You belong to CIQ Sinocorp now.

Reviewed by Cameron Trost on

4 of 5 stars

Yellowcake Springs is unlike any other book you've ever read. Guy Salvidge not only entertains, he also invites you to answer questions about the world and where it's going - and they are difficult questions. This dystopian version of Western Australia is only a fraction of a second away from how it is today, and that truly is food for thought.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 28 September, 2013: Reviewed