The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald

The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend

by Katarina Bivald

The International Bestseller

Sara is 28 and has never been outside Sweden – except in the (many) books she reads. When her elderly penfriend Amy invites her to come and visit her in Broken Wheel, Iowa, Sara decides it’s time. But when she arrives, there’s a twist waiting for her – Amy has died. Finding herself utterly alone in a dead woman’s house in the middle of nowhere was not the holiday Sara had in mind.

But Sara discovers she is not exactly alone. For here in this town so broken it’s almost beyond repair are all the people...

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Reviewed by Beth C. on

3 of 5 stars

Travelling from Sweden to visit a bookish pen-pal she's never met, Sara arrives in Broken Wheel, Iowa only to find that said pen-pal is...well...dead. However, the people of the small and semi-abandoned town have already decided what's best for Sara, and that is to stay as planned in Amy's house (even though Amy is no longer around to consent) and to have her vacation. Come hell or high water, they are determined that they will take care of Sara as Amy would have. But along the way, something funny Sara opens a bookstore with all of the books Amy left behind, the town starts to feel as if maybe Sara is helping them as well.

Some books are like a roller-coaster ride, constantly in motion. Others are like a country amble, where things just move at their own pace and are much more relaxed. 'The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend' is in the second category. It's a lovely tribute to all things books, but also to love, friendship, and the power of change.

This would be a perfect book for a rainy day, snuggled under a blanket with a cup of tea, and maybe even a fire in the fireplace. Nothing forced or rushed, but simply a lovely story to enjoy while relaxing away from other cares. It's the kind of story that can find a home with just about any book lover, regardless of their preferred genre. Well worth the read!

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  • Started reading
  • 18 January, 2016: Finished reading
  • 18 January, 2016: Reviewed