Red Hot Deadly Peppers by Paige Shelton

Red Hot Deadly Peppers

by Paige Shelton

Becca Robbins is happy to help research a large farmers’ market and tourist trading post—until she has to switch her focus to finding a killer… 

Becca is in Arizona, spending some time at Chief Buffalo’s Trading Post and its neighboring farmers’ market to check out how the two operate together. She’s paired with Nera, a Native American woman who sells the most delicious pecans—right next to a booth with the hottest peppers money can buy. 

When Nera asks her to deliver some beads to Graham, a talented jewelry maker inside Chief Buffalo’s, Becca is grateful to get a break from the...

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Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

2 of 5 stars

I'm using the GR definition of two stars here: it was ok. Becca is in Arizona, researching another farmer's market and stumbles across a murdered man. She get's sucked into the mystery and investigation a bit unwittingly.

The story is a light, quick read but I think I prefer the novella's that add a bit of backstory, or fill in a bit of history for one or more of the characters and their relationships with each other. This one was more an "out-of-time" short story. Still, I don't consider it at all a waste of time to have read it and if anyone likes the series, I wouldn't steer them away from this.

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  • Started reading
  • 4 September, 2012: Finished reading
  • 4 September, 2012: Reviewed