The Boy In The Suitcase by Agnete Friis

The Boy In The Suitcase (Nina Borg, #1)

by Agnete Friis

Nina Borg, a Red Cross nurse, wife, and mother of two, is a compulsive do-gooder who can’t say no when someone asks for help—even when she knows better. When her estranged friend Karin leaves her a key to a public locker in the Copenhagen train station, Nina gets suckered into her most dangerous project yet. Inside the locker is a suitcase, and inside the suitcase is a three-year-old boy: naked and drugged, but alive.

Is the boy a victim of child trafficking? Can he be turned over to authorities, or will they only return him to whoever sold him?...

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Reviewed by BookeryBliss on

5 of 5 stars

This was a good read. Plenty of twists and turns with many surprises and it kept me hooked until the end.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 December, 2012: Finished reading
  • 2 December, 2012: Reviewed