I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga

I Hunt Killers (I Hunt Killers, #1)

by Barry Lyga

What if the world's worst serial killer...was your dad? Jasper (Jazz) Dent is a likable teenager. A charmer, one might say. But he's also the son of the world's most infamous serial killer and for Dear Old Dad, Take Your Son to Work Day was year-round. Jazz has witnessed crime scenes the way cops wish they could - from the criminal's point of view. And now bodies are piling up in Lobo's Nod. In an effort to clear his name, Jazz joins the police in a hunt for a new serial killer but Jazz has a secret--could he be more like his father than anyone knows?

Reviewed by Rinn on

4 of 5 stars

Also posted on my blog, Rinn Reads.

This book generated some really interesting ideas - if you are brought up in a violent environment, does it lead you to become violent yourself? Despite his inner battles, realising how easily he could kill people, and his sociopathic tendencies, Jasper was a really likeable character. He was cocky, but not too much so, determined, and although he didn't realise it, a genuinely kind person.
I felt all the characters were pretty three-dimensional. Howie was the obvious comic relief, but this really worked, and it was nice that Connie was such a strong character - so many of these types of books have weak females in. I guessed the killer quite early on but this somehow didn't ruin the ending. The ending did, however, seem rather open, perhaps leaving room for a sequel. It did feel like things weren't quite rounded up.
Personally I really enjoy crime novels, and this was fast-paced and easy to read, with intelligent characters.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 April, 2012: Finished reading
  • 3 April, 2012: Reviewed