Loading Penguin Hugs by Jacqueline Chen

Loading Penguin Hugs

by Jacqueline Chen

For anyone who has ever wished for a personal cheerleader: Enjoy Jacqueline Chen's cheerful illustrations, full of fuzzy animals giving encouragement, able to put a smile on anyone's face.

Loading Penguin Hugs provides a cute and creative approach to spreading positivity. Chen's illustrations of baby chicks, penguins, kittens, hedgehogs, and more all come with kind, motivational words of comfort, such as "it's okay to have no idea. You have time to figure it out," "the best is yet to come," and "show the world what you got!" With artwork cute enough to brighten anyone's day, Chibird is ready to change everyone's attitude for the better, one comic at a time.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Loading Penguin Hugs is a collection of one-page uplifting and positive comics by Jacqueline Chen, aka Chibird. Published by Andrews McMeel, with an expected release date 13th Nov 2018, it's 88 pages and available in hardcover format.

The style is extremely sweet and naive (see cover). Reading the book in one sitting admittedly felt a little saccharine by the end, however these would be perfect for one-a-day positive notes to read before bed or even have a bedtime feel good minute with your kids. I could also imagine these in single doses in a classroom setting or frankly whenever one needs a little boost.

In a world where every.single.second of news coverage feels like a fresh knell of doom, these little glimpses of positivity and kindness are truly a breath of fresh air. I loved all of them and I have to say the hedgehogs and manatee comics made me *squee* a little bit :)

Four stars, lovely and sweet!

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes

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  • 16 October, 2018: Reviewed