Reviewed by Angie on
I normally hate books that alternate between first and third POVs, but I think it works really well in Redemption. We still get Alexa and Nelly's first person accounts, but then it bounces around to various third person characters. This just upped my anxiety, because this suggests the possibility that both narrators could die but still have the story move forward! It was torture! I never felt confident that anyone was going to live until the end, and those POV shifts kept me guessing and on the edge of my seat! I was a big bundle of nerves the entire time, and then that ending killed me.
There was also a writing device included that usually bugs me in books and movies, but again, it worked way too well for Redemption! I can't say what it is, because it'll spoil something huge, but OMG! For a good chuck of the story I was just thinking "why is this happening?!" It was all too much, but then there was a twist. I was relieved, because that twist that gave me hope! Unfortunately, it was false hope! As the big climax drew closer, I held onto that hope, only to have my soul crushed.
Redemption is a devastating ending to a fabulous series. The only negative I have is that I noticed more typos in this one than the other three books, but really, who cares? The story was intense, emotional, and holy crap amazing! There is still originality in the vampire genre! Also, authors need to take note on how to properly end a series. Sunshine and rainbows aren't always needed. A bit of soul destruction works just as well.
Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.
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- 26 October, 2013: Finished reading
- 26 October, 2013: Reviewed