Find Your Awesome by Judy Clement Wall

Find Your Awesome

by Judy Clement Wall

Let Your True Colours Shine with This Quirky, Self-Love Challenge.

In the spirit of the bestselling books How to Be Happy and 1 Page at a Time, comes this imaginative and highly illuminating guidebook to self-love. Have you ever noticed how many people put themselves last (maybe even you)? When we take time to love ourselves, we thrive, and that benefits not only us, but everyone around us.

It's time to carve out a few minutes each day to fully engage with your- self; to reflect, unwind, and have fun with you! Using a stimulating mix of colouring and daily activities, master writer, artist and doodler Judy Clement Wall will help you accomplish just that.
So, step up. Take this 30-day challenge. You'll rediscover and fall in love with your playful, imaginative, adventurous, thoughtful self. And you'll shine so brightly that everyone else will, too.

* Original art and playful prompts from Judy Clement Wall.
* Full colour with space to play and journal.
* Portable size is perfect for bedside table, pocketbook, or travel.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

It's undeniably true that most people are their own worst critics. We would generally never dream of being as critical or negative to other people as we casually are to ourselves. I've never had much luck with the whole 'look in the mirror and tell yourself you're great'! (I felt like a complete goofball). Anyhow, this book has a much more thought out and structured method for internalizing positivity and being kind and loving to ourselves (and those around us).
Set up as a personal journal/activity book, this 30 day challenge is full of sweet and brave daily challenges to increase your ability to care for and cherish yourself. Some of the exercises are profound, some are a little bit goofy, they're all positive and uplifting and do-able. The daily challenges have checklists with spaces for notes and lists to be filled in by the reader.
One of the first 'rules' is that 'there are no rules'. Life is a journey and not just a set of criteria to be gotten through.

The art is wonderful. Much of the book reminds me a lot of the currently popular 'adult coloring books'. The daily challenges have author-written examples to get the reader's creativity primed. (As an aside, I think it's incredibly sweet and brave of the author to bare her own feelings and meanings - there's a lot of vulnerability and trust involved to put these things out there).

Really good advice and an easy to digest format. We all need more hope and love in our lives.

Personal experience. I started this challenge the first day I received this book. Starting on day 2, I started getting comments and compliments about what a good mood I was in, and how happy I seemed. I have often gotten comments about how nice/upbeat/positive I am in general, so it really surprised me to get so many comments from people who are used to my normal level of 'goofy/happy'. I'm still getting comments (on day 4 now).

Four stars - recommended

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher.

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  • Started reading
  • 22 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 22 August, 2017: Reviewed