Pies and Prejudice by Ellery Adams

Pies and Prejudice (Charmed Pie Shoppe Mystery, #1)

by Ellery Adams

When the going gets tough, Ella Mae LaFaye bakes pies. So when she catches her husband cheating in New York, she heads back home to Havenwood, Georgia, where she can drown her sorrows in fresh fruit filling and flakey crust. But her pies aren't just delicious. They're having magical effects on the people who eat them--and the public is hungry for more.

Discovering her hidden talent for enchantment, Ella Mae makes her own wish come true by opening the Charmed Pie Shoppe. But with her old nemesis Loralyn Gaynor making trouble, and her old crush Hugh Dylan making...Read more

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

4 of 5 stars

Well, about 1/2 way to 3/4 of the way through this mystery, I started to get aggravated. It was obvious from the start that Ella Mae had no idea she had any gift beyond being a very good pastry chef. Yet, as the evidence mounts, it's never explained and she blithely goes along as if she just accepts the effect her pies have on those that eat them without any curiosity or question. Luckily, it's all explained at the end, the author just waited rather longer than expected to explain everything.

The murder mystery was a good one, although the clues felt a bit disjointed. I guess that's to be expected - otherwise the mystery might be too easy to solve for the reader. :) Still, the ending took me unaware, and I liked it - no obvious solution and no clichés. There are quite a few great characters, although her "evil nemesis" will probably get on my nerves quickly if she makes too much of an appearance throughout the series - pure nastiness is NOT what I look for in a cozy mystery. The aunts are a hoot, and I love the steaminess of the romantic possibilities. I'm looking forward to the next book, Peach Pies and Alibis.

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  • Started reading
  • 5 July, 2012: Finished reading
  • 5 July, 2012: Reviewed