People Like Her by Ellery Lloyd

People Like Her

by Ellery Lloyd

She has an easy life - but makes a living from pretending otherwise.
She has a husband who hates the spotlight - but can't step away.
She has a million followers who adore her - but one who wants her to suffer.
She hasn't realised her family is in danger yet - but she will.

A smart and thrilling debut that delves into the darkest aspects of influencer culture, Ellery Lloyd's People Like Her is about what you risk losing when you don't know who's watching...

People like Emmy Jackson. They always have. Especially online, where she is Instagram sensation Mamabare, famous for always telling the unvarnished truth about modern parenthood.

But Emmy isn't as honest as she'd like the fans to believe. She may think she has her followers fooled, but someone out there knows the truth and plans to make her pay. Because people like her have no idea what pain careless words can cause. Because people like her need to learn what it feels like to lose everything . . .

Reviewed by bearley on

5 of 5 stars

Such an amazing read! Goes deep into the Instagram family world and shows how truly vile it is and can be. Some parts even have you rooting for the antagonist — mainly because the instamom was so terrible.

I’m not squeamish at all but a couple times I felt myself wincing.

Just wish the ending wouldn’t have been so quickly paced and wouldn’t have had such a jump into the future.

The last chapter felt like a daunting warning to all the families that post their loved ones online for followers.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 25 January, 2021: Finished reading
  • 25 January, 2021: Reviewed