The Difference Engine by William Gibson, Bruce Sterling

The Difference Engine (Spectra special editions)

by William Gibson and Bruce Sterling

The computer age has arrived a century ahead of time with Charles Babbage's perfection of his Analytical Engine. The Industrial Revolution, supercharged by the development of steam-driven cybernetic Engines, is in full and drastic swing. Great Britain, with her calculating-cannons, steam dreamnoughts, machine-guns and information technology, prepares to better the world's lot ...

Reviewed by Michael @ Knowledge Lost on

3 of 5 stars

This is everything I want in a steam punk novel; the Victorian/Sci-Fi mix works really well in this book. It was nice to read a book with famous heroes like Lord Byron in it. Although at times it did drag on a little this is defiantly a recommended read for someone interested in getting a feel for the Steam punk genre.

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  • 12 December, 2010: Finished reading
  • 12 December, 2010: Reviewed