Three Broken Promises by Monica Murphy

Three Broken Promises (One Week Girlfriend, #3)

by Monica Murphy

Breakout sensation Monica Murphy returns with a hot new contemporary romance—a heartfelt story of second chances, forgiveness, and redemption.

. That’s what I really want from Colin. Ever since my brother, Danny, died in Iraq, Colin’s done so much to help me, including giving me a job at his popular restaurant so I can leave my crappy waitressing job at the strip joint. But lying in bed with him every night to comfort him from his horrible nightmares isn’t enough anymore. I know he feels guilty about Danny’s death, about not going to Iraq, but I can’t keep living this double life.

I love him desperately, but he’s got so many demons, and if he can’t open up to me now, then he’ll never be the real partner I need him to be. I gave him a month, and now I’m out of here. If he truly loves me like he says, he knows where to find me. . . .

Praise for Three Broken Promises
“The heat between these two is explosive. . . . It is the emotion and the shared tragedy between Jen and Colin . . . that takes this book to another level.”Heroes and Heartbreakers
“Filled with emotion, drama, red-hot sex, intensity, and a love that may as well have been written in the stars, Three Broken Promises is another must read from Monica Murphy.”Holly’s Hot Reads
Three Broken Promises is an absolutely out-of-this-world perfect romantic story that swept me off my feet. Once again, I fell in love with [Monica] Murphy’s easy style of writing, great sense of humor and ideal characters. . . . I felt glued to the pages and there wasn’t a single thing that could make me stop reading.”Smokin Hot Book Blog
“I fell in love with this series the moment I opened One Week Girlfriend and Three Broken Promises didn’t disappoint. . . . I can say without a doubt that I enjoyed every minute of this book.”Book Blogger Paradise
“Murphy has done it again. . . . This story will make you smile, it will warm your heart and soul, and it may even have you pulling your hair out as these two amazing people navigate the rollercoaster that is love. I loved everything about it.”Roxy’s Reviews
“Such a delicious book . . . Monica’s writing is addictive as always, and I’m really looking forward to the next book.”City of Books

Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

I’ve recently become a fan of Monica Murphy after picking up One Week girlfriend for 99p during a Kindle Daily Deal. I really enjoyed it and devoured Second Chance Boyfriend soon after. I was super pleased to pay Three Broken Promises on Netgalley and when I was accepted to read the novel I knew it was going to be my next read because I just love Monica’s writing so much and I’m totally hooked on all of the characters she’s introduced us to.

I initially thought Three Broken Promises was another Drew and Fable novel so I was super pleased to see it is actually Jen and Colin’s novel, two characters who really intrigued me in Second Chance Boyfriend, especially Jen. Colin didn’t come across too well in SCB, but I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. He seemed a bit sleazy, but he proved me wrong in Three Broken Promises. Much like Drew and Fable, Jen and Colin are pretty messed up, they’re real people who have dealt with horrible things growing up, things they’d rather forget, and when Jen decides she’s had enough of Colin taking care of her all the time, she makes plans to move away, to finally stand on her own two feet, but just how will Colin take the news?

I really enjoyed Three Broken Promises, it was super awesome to hear Jennifer’s story, I looooved her when she met Fable, and she’s such an interesting, enjoyable character. She’s had a hard life, after the death of her brother Danny, and she’s done some things she isn’t proud of, but she’s turned her life around, with the help of Colin. When we were initially introduced to Jen and Colin in SCB their relationship seemed so weird, but it was very well explained and some things made more sense once they were explained. Jen and Colin just had such amazing chemistry and I loved seeing their relationship progress, the chemistry was there from the first page and I couldn’t wait for them to finally get together.

It was also fantastic to be back in Drew and Fable’s world, though we saw more of Fable than Drew and not much of Owen (though fear not, Four Years Later is dedicated entirely to Owen so yay!). Monica Murphy is a fabulous writer, perhaps a bit too reliant on bedroom antics but it’s not horribly OTT. If you enjoyed the first two books in the series, you’ll love Three Broken Promises. I can’t wait for Four Years Later – more Drew and Fable, more Jen and Colin hopefully, and Owen getting his own story. I loved getting to know Jen and Colin more, and Murphy has done them justice in Three Broken Promises.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 28 November, 2013: Reviewed