Asphalt by Kenneth O'Reilly


by Kenneth O'Reilly

La Brea Tar Pits once trapped prehistoric mammals. Today that killer has a chemical cousin in the Athabasca oil sands of Alberta, Canada—immense deposits of natural asphalt destined for upgrading to synthetic crude oil. If the harvesting of this natural asphalt continues unabated, we might find ourselves stuck in a muck of a different kind.

Humanity has used asphalt for thousands of years. This humble hydrocarbon may have glued the first arrowhead to the first shaft, but the changes wrought by this material are most dramatic since its emergence as pavement. Since the 1920s the automobile and blacktop...Read more

Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

4 of 5 stars

Fact Gusher. This is one of those history/ anthropology books that gives a LOT of facts very rapidly, without any real critical examination of the central thesis. For a book showing *how* asphalt has been used throughout human history, it is quite good - O'Reilly shows from the earliest human records that we have been using asphalt pretty much since we've been using anything else, including its critical role in Egyptian mummification and even Noah's Ark. For a book trying to make a case of *why* asphalt has been used so extensively... again, it never really examines the central thesis or really makes any kind of solid case here. Which is why I had to deduct a star. Indeed, many of the areas O'Reilly claims that asphalt was a driving factor can be more easily - and completely - explained with factors other than this particular material. Without negating that this particular tool was indeed useful and in at least some cases genuinely necessary for the execution of the events as history records them happening. Still, a truly fascinating read showing the far longer history and much more varied uses of this substance that many modern readers hardly give a second thought. Very much recommended.

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  • 22 April, 2021: Finished reading
  • 22 April, 2021: Reviewed