Someday by



I am going to be

a great artist.


I am off to help my dad

paint the shed.

It’s hard to be content with the present moment when you are little. The future has infinitely more possibilities!

Here, the prolific and poetic Eileen Spinelli offers us the opportunity to truly enter the mind and heart of a little girl whose dreams reach well beyond today. With Spinelli’s gift for capturing the authentic experience of a child and Rosie Winstead’s utterly accessible and adorable artwork, this is sure to be a book that will inspire kids to think about what their own plans are for someday.

Reviewed by Briana @ Pages Unbound on

4 of 5 stars

This review is also posted at Pages Unbound Book Reviews.

Summary: A little girl dreams of all the things she will experience and accomplish someday.

Art: The illustrations are very bright, open, and appealing. With a medium level of detail, they depict a wide-eyed and dreamy girl who is accompanied by a cat on every page. Readers can will have fun looking for the cat, watching the girl’s changing hairstyle, and seeing all her dreams come to life.

Review: Someday is an optimistic read written in a parallel structure that always compares what the little girl will do someday (usually something extraordinary) to what she is doing today (sometimes something fun, but occasionally something a little unpleasant). The story ends with a slight twist, sharing the unique experience the girl is having “right now.” The story is fun, depicting a wide variety of things that the girl might achieve one day, ranging from competing as an Olympic gymnast to dining at the White House, and can be used to start a discussion with young readers about what they would like to do someday and how they can begin preparing right now.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 July, 2013: Finished reading
  • 14 July, 2013: Reviewed