Walk Through Fire by Kristen Ashley

Walk Through Fire (Chaos, #4)

by Kristen Ashley

The flame never dies . . .

Millie Cross knows what it's like to burn for someone. She was young and wild and he was fierce and even wilder-a Chaos biker who made her heart pound. They fell in love at first sight and life was good, until she learned she couldn't be the woman he needed and made it so he had no choice but to walk away. Twenty years later, Millie's chance run-in with her old flame sparks a desire she just can't ignore. And this time, she won't let him ride off . . .

Bad boy Logan...

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Reviewed by Eve1972 on

3 of 5 stars

OK so I spent a good portion of my night reading this cover to cover. I was on the fence about this book for a long time, hoping for the recapturing of greatness that was Sweet Dreams, or Motorcycle Man or the Rock Chicks...well I am still waiting..sigh. Don't get me wrong it was better then the previous Chaos book which I thought was a bit of a snooze fest...alas just not re-reading greatness.

The first 40% of the book was a solid 4 stars, it had feels, it had angst, Logan was an asshole, Millie had moxy. Then we had the nuclear meltdown and the book turned into unicorns farting rainbows. Except for Zadie, who needed a swift kick to the ass...but anyways.

Things that I liked...

The angst and feels of the first 40%.

Logan after he stopped being a major whiny asshole.

Deb, it was nice not to have an evil bitch ex.

Seeing others from previous books.

Logan didn't appear to be a man slut, thankfully, or at least we were spared the details if he was.

Millie's friends and family, it was to see she had people get her back (though they should have got her therapy to!!)

Things that didn't work for me...

Martyr Millie..OMFG...by 80% I wanted to throw my tablet if I had to read one more frigging time about how she walked through fire for Logan, or gave him his beautiful life, or gave up her own life so he could have his dream. Listen Millie, it wasn't a wonderful thing you did, you were an idiot! Yes I know she was young, but even my 21 year old self would know that if you loved someone as much as she supposedly did, and you planned a life with them etc. You find out something like that you TALK TO THE PERSON YOU SUPPOSEDLY LOVE. Gaah...

Logan, sure he was sweet in the second half of the book, but I didn't really love the guy. I see where Millie was coming from (even though I didn't agree with it), but here is a dude that is SO in love with this woman that he pines away for 20 years, yet when she broke up with him, he just walks away. He doesn't think "Hmm how odd she is behaving this way, hey maybe there is more going on here!" Nope, just sails off into the sunset, to do drugs, impregnate (twice) someone he thinks is boring as hell, and become a whiny bitter old man!

Zadie, kid was a pain in the ass, 'nuf said.

Deb, sure it was nice not to have a bitch ex, but could Deb have been describe as anymore boring? Logan kept describing her like she was a boring robot whose sole purpose in life was being a mother. Makes me question why he sleep with her in the first place?? Plus the whole Millie/Deb love-a-thon, ya..no.

Millie's 20 years of nothing, I really didn't get this?? First it was not believable in any way, and I really didn't think it was necessary. Why couldn't the woman have dates, or one night stands, or a blow up doll?? It wouldn't have taken away from the story?

Benito, why was he even in the book? He literally DID NOTHING?? For a bit there when he was in the hotel room with Millie, I was thinking "wouldn't it be nice for Benito to get a HEA?" That's how much he came across as a non bad guy in this book?? *lol* I have a feeling whatever ace in the whole he has, has something to do with Rush..just a feeling I get.

Lastly, I think Millie forgave and forgot Logan and company WAY to easily. I would have totally made them grovel more! ;)

Now I know some of these things are nit picky, and it would be a short ass book if there wasn't any conflict, but I want to at least be able to say "ok I can see where they are coming from" I just couldn't with this one, to many things were so over the top!

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  • Started reading
  • 27 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 27 October, 2015: Reviewed