Darkness Devours by Keri Arthur

Darkness Devours (Dark Angels)

by Keri Arthur

The sexy, thrilling adventures continue in bestselling author Keri Arthur's new Dark Angels series, set in the realm of danger and desire known as the Guardian World . . .

Half-werewolf, half-Aedh Risa Jones can enter the realm between life and death, and she can see the Reapers who collect the souls of the dead. Now, she is using her gifts - and the investigative know-how of a man who broke her heart - to find a cabal searching for the power to control time, reality and fate. And this is besides her work for the Vampire Council, half of...

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Reviewed by kim620 on

4 of 5 stars

I'm giving this 4 stars and not 5 because it felt like it was a side story. It has been setup since the beginning that the main plot point for this series was going to be Risa's father and the quest for the keys. With that said...he was not in the book nor were the keys. This felt more like a slice of life of what happens while they are waiting for her father to make contact again.

It did however give a nice progression to the relationship between Risa and Azriel. With Lucian it just felt like it was the same story once again. Tao has been set up for future books and I can't wait to see what happens with him.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 July, 2012: Finished reading
  • 6 July, 2012: Reviewed