Reviewed by Cameron Trost on

4 of 5 stars

Corpse Honey is definitely a title that suits Michael Picco's collection; gory and gruesome but with a drop of guilty sweetness. The monsters in these stories can be crammed into two specimen jars, although it's not always easy to choose which tale goes into which jar (there's a bit of leakage going on) but we have our monster romps and our internal demon nightmares. My favourites from the first jar are the Lovecraftian "The Island" and the devilishly naughty "The Popelick Goatman". "It Ain't No Raspberry Beret" is easily my pick from the second jar, and "Under My Bed… Where the Lower Things Crept" is a gothic tale that remains open to interpretation. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4. Michael Picco hasn't yet reached the peak but the climb is well and truly is the time to gear up and follow him.

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  • 3 June, 2023: Reviewed