The Star Thief by Jamie Grey

The Star Thief (Star Thief Chronicles, #1)

by Jamie Grey

Stealing another galactic secret will get her arrested, but playing by the rules might just get her killed.

At twenty-three, Renna Carrizal is the most notorious thief in the galaxy. There's just one problem — all she wants is to get out of the business.

But after Renna rescues an injured boy on her final job, she finds herself on the run from the mob instead of enjoying retirement. She unwittingly becomes ensnared by MYTH, the empire's top-secret galactic protection agency, who offer her a choice — either help them on their latest mission, or spend the rest of her life on a prison ship.

Forced to work under the watchful eye of handsome but arrogant Captain Finn, Renna learns the former mercenary-turned-space marine has a few dirty secrets himself. As Renna works to discover the truth about Finn's past and keep the tantalizing man at arm's length, she unearths a plot to create an unstoppable army. The target? The human star fleet.

Now Renna must pull off the biggest job of her career — saving the galaxy. And maybe even herself.

Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

4 of 5 stars

The Star Thief is an action packed, easy to understand, science fiction adventure that took me on a journey to new worlds and the depths of space. I’m so glad that I stumbled upon a few reviews of this during a promo run and that I was lucky enough to win a copy. I had no idea that this was an indie book until I received it and from personal experience if I only managed to buy an ebook copy it would have been lost to the endless depths that is my Kindle Cloud. Having it front of me was the kick I needed to sit down and devour this, and I couldn’t be happier with it.

I love any sci-fi books that deal with aliens and space travel, bonus points if the main character loves getting into the thick of the action and isn’t afraid to add a bit of passion. For the few gamers out there that may read this, if you enjoy the Mass Effect series and want something in that vein then this book is for you! There are new worlds to explore, new background and history to learn, and new tech to geek out over. To top it off the science part of the fiction is easy to grasp, anything that seems complicated is explained in a way that you can easily understand it. Renna makes having a neural processor seem like something I would love to have. Can you imagine walking in a city you’ve never been in and not getting lost because you have a little map in front of you at all times? So cool!

Renna is our brave and sexy main character, who is use to working alone and being on the bad side of the law. She’s an incredibly thief who knows how to get what she wants and isn’t afraid to do what she has to to get it, even if that means trying to seduce someone. I loved that she was self reliant and wasn’t afraid to prove her worth to those who doubted her, but I also like that she wasn’t unnecessarily brash or stupid. The one issue I had with her is how quickly she moves to flirting to get her way, in some cases it wasn’t really necessary and didn’t work anyway, but overall I didn’t mind it too much. We also have Finn, a swoony but tough ex mercenary turned military. The tension between Renna and Finn is so thick and watching them trying to navigate the troubled waters of their relationship was balanced nicely with how they progressed past it to a point of forming an actual relationship. The romance is not the focus but it’s such a nice addition to all of the action and mystery.

I’m super excited to continue the series and read more from this author. This book was just the right mix of everything and I have no doubt that book two will be just as good!

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  • Started reading
  • 14 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 14 March, 2014: Reviewed