Streetcar Named Desire: York Notes Advanced everything you need to catch up, study and prepare for and 2023 and 2024 exams and assessments by T Williams

Streetcar Named Desire: York Notes Advanced everything you need to catch up, study and prepare for and 2023 and 2024 exams and assessments (York Notes Advanced) (York Notes)

by T Williams

York Notes Advanced offer a fresh and accessible approach to English Literature. This market-leading series has been completely updated to meet the needs of today's A-level and undergraduate students. Written by established literature experts, York Notes Advanced intorduce students to more sophisticated analysis, a range of critical perspectives and wider contexts.

Reviewed by funstm on

2 of 5 stars

It was okay. Quick enough read and well written, just didn't grab me.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 January, 2011: Finished reading
  • 1 January, 2011: Reviewed