The Hunter – A Parker Novel by Richard Stark

The Hunter – A Parker Novel (Parker, #1)

by Richard Stark

You probably haven't ever noticed them. But they've noticed you. They notice everything. That's their job. Sitting quietly in a nondescript car outside a bank making note of the tellers' work habits, the positions of the security guards. Lagging a few car lengths behind the Brinks truck on its daily rounds. Surreptitiously jiggling the handle of an unmarked service door at the racetrack.They're thieves. Heisters, to be precise. They're pros, and Parker is far and away the best of them. If you're planning a job, you want him in. Tough, smart, hardworking, and relentlessly focused on his trade, he is the heister's heister, the robber's robber, the heavy's heavy. You don't want to cross him, and you don't want to get in his way, because he'll stop at nothing to get what he's after.Parker, the ruthless antihero of Richard Stark's eponymous mystery novels, is one of the most unforgettable characters in hardboiled noir. Lauded by critics for his taut realism, unapologetic amorality, and razor-sharp prose style - and adored by fans who turn each intoxicating page with increasing urgency - Stark is a master of crime writing, his books as influential as any in the genre.
The University of Chicago Press has embarked on a project to return the early volumes of this series to print for a new generation of readers to discover - and become addicted to.In "The Hunter", the first volume in the series, Parker roars into New York City, seeking revenge on the woman who betrayed him and on the man who took his money, stealing and scamming his way to redemption.

Reviewed by Michael @ Knowledge Lost on

3 of 5 stars

One of the rare times where the movie (Payback) is better than the book. It could be that I've seen the movie first but in my opinion the movie had a darker, rarer feel to it. As many people may know the hunter (and payback) tells the story of Parker, how is seeking revenge after been betrayed, shot and left for dead by his partner and his wife. But what many people may not know, is originally this was going to be a one off book, but the authors publisher convinced him to change the ending and offered him a three book deal. This deal has lead to the series now consisting in 24 books with the same protagonist. Where the series goes; I don't know, but I am a little curious to see where it goes.

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  • 26 October, 2011: Finished reading
  • 26 October, 2011: Reviewed