Breaking the Rules by Tawny Weber

Breaking the Rules (Uniformly Hot!) (Uniformly Hot!)

by Tawny Weber

"Subject: Max St. James, U.S. Army Sergeant First Class. Current Status: On leave after a year in Afghanistan. Mission: Take some R & R. Check up on a buddy's little sister. Obstacle: Sophia Castillo. Independent, stubborn ... and hot enough to make him forget she's anybody's 'little sister'! Max may be off duty, but he still has one last job to do. He's promised to look in on--but not fool around with!--his best friend's kid sister. Only once he meets Sophia, all thought of keeping his hands to himself go out the window. Sophia, however, has different ideas. A...Read more

Reviewed by Lorelei's Lit Lair on

4 of 5 stars

Breaking The Rules is steamy, original, has it's funny moments, mystery, drama and romance, of course. Max and Sophia both have strong personalities and chemistry they can't hide. If you like Hot sexy guys, then he's one you'll love. He also has a caring personality, you'll be swooning if you like the alpha male kind of hero, perfection. Sophia's a heroine who wants her independence back and it might be hard with a guy like Max, or at least she thinks ;) They both have rules they don't want to break, but they eventually realize some rules are meant to be broken. Max has decisions to make regarding his future and also helps Sophia solve her problems, a mystery, and I honestly didn't figure out who the culprit was til the very end. I think I was too mesmerized by Max...


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  • Started reading
  • 26 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 26 January, 2013: Reviewed