Dark Reckoning by John Sneeden

Dark Reckoning (Drenna Steel Thrillers, #3)

by John Sneeden

Former CIA operative Drenna Steel is using her lethal skills to complete private contracts overseas. After finishing a job in the UK, she’s approached with an urgent request to find Chinese national Mei Kwan, an AI specialist who defected with a drive containing information her government desperately wants back.

But the job will be fraught with danger because Kwan is being hunted by an elite Chinese hit squad known as Dragon Fire. Their leader is a sadistic psychopath whose calling cards are torture and death.

After Drenna locates the defector in Amsterdam, the two go on the run together. But they soon learn there is more to the information on the drive than originally thought. They also realize it’s not just the Chinese who want to get their hands on it.

Outgunned and unsure who to trust, Drenna must get the information into the right hands before it’s too late. Fortunately, there is no one better suited for the job than a female assassin who takes pleasure in violently punishing her enemies.

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Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars


Explosive From Start To Finish. This is one of those books that starts out as a somewhat classic spy caper - someone is trying to flee from their home country with hyper sensitive material (and knowledge) and is doing the whole "take two steps. stop. turn right and go 3 steps. stop." thing trying to avoid detection and give the authorities the slip.


But then it takes about 1/3 of the book to get back to that... because we're now involved in *another* spy thriller such that both will come together - and get even more explosive when they do - but now we need to get back to our series heroine, Ms. Drenna Steel, and find out what she is doing and how she is going to get involved with the first scene.


No matter where we are in the tale, the bad guys are always a shadow away and it is up to Ms. Steel and her allies to keep the good guys safe and handle the bad guys... well, in the manner in which bad guys get handled in such tales. ;)  


But then that ending. Wow. On several different levels. Yet again, Sneeden manages to make you want the next book... how about right freaking NOW?!?!?!?!


Very much recommended.

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Reading updates

  • 10 October, 2024: Started reading
  • 11 October, 2024: Finished reading
  • 11 October, 2024: Reviewed