Tamon's B-Side, Vol. 1 by Yuki Shiwasu

Tamon's B-Side, Vol. 1 (Tamon's B-Side, #1)

by Yuki Shiwasu

When a shiny idol is a sad mess in real life, can his number one fan help him stay upbeat?

High schooler Utage Kinoshita works part-time as a housekeeper so she can afford her fangirl obsession with Tamon Fukuhara, her favorite member of boy band F/ACE. When work serendipitously sends her to the home of her idol, she discovers that the real Tamon couldn’t be more different from his wild and sexy onstage persona!

Tamon is an insecure mess in real life, and what’s worse, he’s threatening to quit! Utage refuses to let anyone stand in Tamon’s...Read more

Reviewed by Quirky Cat on

3.5 of 5 stars



Utage Kinoshita has always been a bit obsessed with her favorite boy band, F/ACE. In an ironic twist of fate, she’s recently been tasked with subbing as a cleaner for one of the bandmates - Tamon.

Tamon is her favorite, so you can imagine her delight. You can also imagine her surprise when you learn that Tamon is not the free-going spirit seen on stage. In fact, it rather seems like he needs her help and support.


Tamon's B-Side Vol. 1 is pretty much any fangirl's (or boy's) dream come true. We have a dreamy boy band, a die-hard fan, and what is essentially a meet-cute but in a unique way. It's a cute setup, to say the least.

You'll love this story if you love manga revolving around idols and the like. It puts an idol face-to-face with one of his huge fans and best of all? It gives her a chance to change his life - for the better.

A few things rubbed me the wrong way and kept me from enjoying the series as much as possible. Mainly, I don't like that they portrayed Tamon's depression like it was a.) a thing to be ashamed of and b.) something funny (yes, somehow, it's both at once). That's the biggest complaint, and I could totally overlook the others without this element.

YA Romance
Pop Star

Will I continue the series? Probably not

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  • Started reading
  • 16 September, 2024: Finished reading
  • 16 September, 2024: Reviewed