Little Monsters by Kara Thomas

Little Monsters

by Kara Thomas

Kacey is the new girl in Broken Falls. When she moved in with her father, she stepped into a brand-new life. A life with a stepbrother, a stepmother, and strangest of all, an adoring younger half sister. Kacey s new life is eerily charming compared with the wild highs and lows of the old one she lived with her volatile mother. And everyone is so nice in Broken Falls she s even been welcomed into a tight new circle of friends. Bailey and Jade invite her to do everything with them. Which is why it s so odd when they start acting distant. And when they don t invite her to the biggest party of the year, it doesn t exactly feel like an accident. But Kacey will never be able to ask, because Bailey never makes it home from that party. Suddenly, Broken Falls doesn t seem so welcoming after all especially once everyone starts looking to the new girl for answers.

Reviewed by Kim Deister on

5 of 5 stars


Little Monsters is deliciously full of twists and turns, most of which I didn’t see coming. Did I have some guess? Sure, but most of them turned out to be utterly wrong. So high points given for the ability to keep me off track.

The author crafted this story in a masterful way, with just enough information withheld from the reader to keep them guessing from page to page, from paragraph to paragraph. There were a lot of red herrings, all of which made sense to me ever changing theories about what was happening, which made it difficult to dismiss any out of hand. So it kept me hooked to the very end!

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Reading updates

  • 31 January, 2024: Started reading
  • 2 February, 2024: Finished reading
  • 27 August, 2024: Reviewed