Loreena's Gift by Colleen M. Story

Loreena's Gift

by Colleen M. Story

2016 INDIES Winner Silver, Fantasy (Adult Fiction)
A blind girl's terrifying "gift" allows her to regain her eyesight- but only as she ferries the recently deceased into the afterlife.
Loreena Picket thinks she knows herself. A blind young woman who lives with her uncle, a reverend at a small-town church, she's a dutiful niece and talented pianist for the congregation.
But they're both hiding a terrible secret. Loreena can kill people with the touch of her hand.
While her uncle sees her as an angel of mercy, helping usher the terminally ill members of his flock into the afterlife, Loreena has her doubts.
Torn between doing her uncle's bidding and the allure of the fleeting moments when her eyesight returns on the journey to the other side, Loreena cooperates with her uncle until her troubled older brother returns to town. When she reveals her power by saving him from a local drug dealer, she is drawn into a sinister and dangerous world that will test the true nature of her talent and force her to consider how far she is willing to go

Reviewed by ayla_abbott on

3 of 5 stars

Pretty good. A weird mix of sadness and violence. But people seemed to get what they deserved so it worked out.

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  • Started reading
  • 17 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 17 April, 2016: Reviewed