Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

Pure Innocence is the third book in the Pure series by Victoria Sue. This book is best read if you read at least the prior book to fully understand the situation Oliver was found in and experienced.

Oliver is recovering from being badly hurt at the hands of a madman. To be able to use his hands again will take extensive rehab, and without anyone to help him, he might not gain the full use of his hands. This is until Damon takes his medical care as a priority. Oliver has not only physical injuries to recover from, mental ones that run deeper than the madman who kidnapped him.

Damon is a Dom with a huge heart. He seems to fall for Oliver at first sight and works hard to provide the best care in and out of the hospital. Damon even sleeps beside Oliver to help calm him. Damon is truly to real reason that Oliver recovers at all in the first place.

The connection between Oliver and Damon is intense. I loved how Damon never pressured Oliver, he might have pushed him a bit. I liked that once Oliver wad determined to get better he went at it.

I found this book well written with an interesting plot. The main characters and the secondary characters were fascinating. The ending was a bit predictable but it was interesting to see how Oliver faired after all that was done to him. I had hard time putting this book down. Overall, this was a very captivating book and I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.

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  • 5 July, 2015: Reviewed