Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars


Mystery/ Thriller With Cults And Magical Realism? Yes Please. First off, if you're turned off by any discussion of cults... this book likely isn't your thing. If you're turned off by any element of magical realism... this book probably isn't your thing. If you can't handle books dealing with domestic violence and/ or sexual assault/ rape... this book probably isn't your thing. If you can't handle books with multiple POVs... this book probably isn't your thing. If you're turned off by books with dual timelines... this book probably isn't your thing. If you're turned off by books with any LGBT characters at all... this book probably isn't your thing.


With all of *that* out of the way, I thought this book was done particularly well and told a not-overly-typical (because it dealt so intrinsically with cults/ life after cults) tale in new and interesting ways (re: magical realism elements). All of the various elements work well to create a story with an admittedly slow start that absolutely heats up later in the text, particularly during a somewhat detailed account of the night everything came crashing down in the earlier timeline. The overall mystery ties both timelines together well, and while the front of the book can seem a bit disjointed at times with its POV switches, it *does* all come together quite beautifully and dramatically down the stretch.


Ultimately a fun read that is different enough to stick out in a very crowded field of similar ish (re: mystery/ thriller) books, this is definitely one to check out - even if it is a touch longer than some will be comfortable with (just over 400 pages).


Very much recommended.

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Reading updates

  • 4 August, 2024: Started reading
  • 6 August, 2024: Finished reading
  • 10 August, 2024: Reviewed