Shades of Midnight by Lara Adrian

Shades of Midnight (Midnight Breed, #7)

by Lara Adrian

Her sanctuary has become her blackest nightmare...

Life is tough in the Alaskan tundra but lately something wholly inhuman has let itself loose on the territory, leaving a wake of unspeakable carnage. For bush pilot Alex MacGuire the wreckage is especially chilling - Alaska is the place she fled to after her mother and brother were brutally murdered in Florida.

When the Midnight Breed is alerted to this slaughter, they send Kade to quell the danger and ensure Alex does not learn the truth behind the attacks. And soon Alex will be tested by the threat of otherworldly evil, and by her unexpected desire for Kade, a man she should fear but who has become her seductive guide into an erotic realm of blood and darkness.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

this was a pretty intense book. the feelings and power between kade, and alex. it was a great love story between them. but more intense is the back story, the one that ties all these books together. is the ancient really dead or just stuck in the snow... and what is going on with jenna. I also really liked luna as well. and chase is he brcoming sadistic or what? welp more books in this series to read highly anticipating taken by midnight feel its gonna be pretty epuc amongst the rest of the books in the series but we shall see

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  • 17 November, 2011: Finished reading
  • 17 November, 2011: Reviewed