Bad Men - Signed Copy by John Connolly

Bad Men - Signed Copy

by John Connolly

Three hundred years ago, the settlers on the small Maine island of Sanctuary were betrayed by one of their own, and slaughtered. Now a band of killers has returned to Sanctuary to seek revenge on a young woman and her son, and the only people who stand in their way are a young rookie officer and the island s resident policeman, the troubled giant known as Melancholy Joe Dupree. But Joe Dupree is no ordinary policeman. He is the guardian of the island s secrets, the repository of its memories. He knows that Sanctuary has been steeped in violence, and that its ghosts will tolerate the shedding of innocent blood no longer. On Sanctuary, the hunters are about to become the hunted.

Reviewed by empressbrooke on

2 of 5 stars

This book lacks two things: A) a plot and B) a justification for being as long as it was. Nowhere near as good as Connolly's Charlie Parker series. Two separate tales slowly merge together and become entangled in the end, but each side feels incomplete and hallow. It was like someone carved the "why?" out of the action and somehow still left a book that was 450 pages long in mass market paperback form.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 February, 2011: Finished reading
  • 6 February, 2011: Reviewed