A Good Marriage by Stephen King

A Good Marriage

by Stephen King

Soon to be a major motion picture starring Kristen Connelly, Joan Allen, and Anthony La Paglia, Stephen King’s short story, “A Good Marriage” from Full Dark, No Stars is now available as a stand-alone audio edition!

Bob Anderson, Darcy’s husband of more than twenty years, is away on one of his business trips, when his unsuspecting wife looks for batteries in the garage. Her toe knocks up against a box under a worktable and she discovers she doesn’t know her husband at all, but rather has been living with a stranger. This horrifying discovery, rendered with bristling intensity, could be the end of what Darcy though was a good marriage…
source: https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/A-Good-Marriage/Stephen-King/9781442383609

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

At around three hours in length, A Good Marriage is the perfect fall listen. I can assure you that if you grab the ear-buds it will make the task of raking leaves an easy accomplishment. I ended up listening to this while cleaning my home and found myself frequently sitting as the tension increased.

Bob and Darcy Anderson have been married for almost twenty-six years. He is a traveling executive, and she stayed home to raise their two children. Their lives scream suburbia, from the cars they drive to the community Cub Scout events. While Bob is away on one of his business trips, Darcy accidentally stubs her toe on a box beneath Bob’s workbench. When straightening it, she makes a shockingly, horrifying discovery.

As Darcy begins to uncover the truth, she suffers from a mixture of emotions. On one hand she is horrified and on the other hand, she is worried about what this will mean for the children and herself. When Bob returns and discovers, she knows his secret the tale becomes intense. It was chilling, and totally creep-tastic like only King can deliver. Darcy’s inner thoughts as she struggles with her newfound discovery-brilliant. Facing her husband while determining what to do, kept me enthralled as King spun this mind-boggling tale. King brought both of these characters to life, exposing their flaws making them feel very real. They could be your next-door neighbors. Or maybe Darcy is the lady who sat next to you at the last PTA meeting. Perhaps the gentleman who held the door open for you at church on Sunday shares Bob's secret. *shivers*

Audio CD received from publisher, full review on blog.This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 16 September, 2014: Reviewed