Reviewed by Jeff Sexton on

5 of 5 stars


Short Cozy Family Drama Sets Up Series Well. This is one of those barely 200 page books that packs quite a bit in it - but is also one of those books where everyone is lying to someone about something, which is where much of the drama comes in. Meant to be more of a cozy coastal foodie vibe primarily, it actually does work as that down the stretch... it just takes a bit to get there. The titular Lighthouse Cafe really comes into its own eventually - kinda sorta ala settlement building in Fallout 4. Yes, the pieces are there and broken when you first encounter them, but this is where a lot of the beauty for a lot of people comes in, seeing just how these people mend themselves as they mend the building and business.  


Overall a breezy book with perhaps more drama than many would want on a "beach read", but also great for those cold winter nights when you need to be transported to a more tropical location in your mind.  


Very much recommended.

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Reading updates

  • 2 June, 2024: Started reading
  • 2 June, 2024: Finished reading
  • 5 June, 2024: Reviewed