Mini Plein Air Painting with Remington Robinson by Remington Robinson

Mini Plein Air Painting with Remington Robinson

by Remington Robinson

Learn artist Remington Robinson’s ingenious approach to plein air painting—using a mint tin as palette and easel to create mini masterpieces on the go.

The talented artist behind the popular Instagram and TikTok accounts @remingtonrobinsonart has gained a devoted following by showcasing his unique and portable painting setup. In Mini Plein Air Painting with Remington Robinson, he reveals his secrets and teaches you how to set up your own miniature plein air studio using mint tins. You’ll be amazed at how easily you can carry your art supplies, including a small canvas, brushes, and a mini bottle of mineral spirits, all in your pocket or bag. Whether you’re at home, on a plane, or exploring new destinations, you’ll have everything you need to immerse yourself in the art of plein air painting.

Painting en plein air allows you to capture the true essence of a location, infusing your work with the unique atmosphere, light, and weather of each place. In this comprehensive book, Remington shares his expertise and passion for painting en plein air, allowing you to create beautiful artwork wherever you go. With step-by-step lessons, insightful tips, and practical techniques, you’ll learn to harness the power of miniature art to capture the essence of your surroundings.
In Mini Plein Air Painting with Remington Robinson, learn how to:
  • Set up your miniature workspace complete with mint-tin palette and easel
  • Select captivating scenes
  • Understand color and light
  • Effectively translate your observations onto canvas

Through engaging instruction, you’ll develop the skills to create mini works of art that reflect the beauty of nature and evoke a sense of place. Remington Robinson’s clear and concise teaching style, showcased in his popular process videos, makes this book accessible to artists of all levels. Whether you’re new to painting or have years of experience, Remington’s guidance will enhance your skills and help you unlock your creative potential.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars


Originally posted on my blog Nonstop Reader.

Mini Plein Air Painting with Remington Robinson is a well written and illustrated tutorial and technique guide for miniature oil painting by Remington Robinson. Due out 31st July 2024 from Quarto on their Walter Foster imprint, it's 144 pages and will be available in paperback and ebook formats.

This is an unusually complete technique guide to mini-painting on the go with accessible takeaways for painters of all levels and experience. Painting on smaller surfaces is less intimidating than full size canvases, the materials are *much* more transportable in a self-contained metal tin (like Altoids), and less paint is used, allowing students to use better quality materials with richer, more saturated pigments, giving better results, encouraging more practice.

The author has a calm and inclusive voice in the tutorials, giving a good background on his own artistic process, inspiration, materials, setup, working techniques, and composition. The second part of the book (~78%) is taken up by the step-by-step tutorials, 12 in all. 

The subjects are varied and include both architectural and natural/landscape projects. They cover a variety of lighting and various perspective studies. It's a mixed bag and there are lessons for beginners to professional painters which can also be expanded to full size subjects. 

The danger is that this book will be dismissed in some areas as "niche" because of the miniature size and paint box setup; there is really good info and technique here for oil painters of all types and worth a look.

Five stars. It would be an excellent choice for public or school library acquisition, home studio, gift giving, and for painting and activity groups. Very good guide (not just for miniature painting). 

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes 

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Reading updates

  • 17 May, 2024: Started reading
  • 17 May, 2024: Finished reading
  • 17 May, 2024: Reviewed