The Ugly Duchess by Eloisa James

The Ugly Duchess (Fairy Tales, #4)

by Eloisa James

'Nothing gets me to a bookstore faster than Eloisa James' - Julia Quinn

How can she dare to imagine he loves her... when all London calls her The Ugly Duchess?

Theodora Saxby is the last woman anyone expects the gorgeous James Ryburn, heir to the Duchy of Ashbrook, to marry. But after a romantic proposal before the prince himself, even practical Theo finds herself convinced of her soon-to-be duke's passion. Still, the tabloids give the marriage six months.

Theo would have given it a lifetime . . . until she discovers that James desires not her heart, and certainly not her countenance, but her dowry.

Society was shocked by their wedding, but it's scandalized by their separation. James heads to sea where he becomes a notorious pirate, and Theo builds their estate into a flourishing concern. Back from the seas, a scandalous tattoo of a poppy under one eye, James now faces the battle of his lifetime: convincing Theo that he loved the duckling who blossomed into the swan. Theo will quickly find that for a man with the soul of a pirate, all's fair in love - or war.

'Eloisa James is extraordinary' - Lisa Kleypas

'Romance writing does not get much better than this' - People

Reviewed by Stephanie on

3 of 5 stars

Really a 3.5

The Ugly Duchess by Eloisa James contains all of her wit and humor that can be found in all of her fairy tale retellings. Theodora is a smart woman who knows what she wants. She certainly wants to land a husband and with her fortune that shouldn’t be a problem. After she is married, Theo will be able to set aside the filly, lacy, flouncy white dresses that her mother insists she wears to compensate for Theo’s manly looks.

James has known Theodora all his life. They grew up in the same house. He also refers to her as Daisy rather than her chosen name of Theo. James believes strongly in staying loyal to his family. he is even willing to stake his future happiness to avoid scandal. James does have some sense though. When it becomes apparent that James will have to woo and marry Daisy to save his foolish father from ruin, James sets rules and stipulations to his compliance.

James and Theo find themselves married and both are a little surprised at the happiness they’ve found. That is until, as with anything found on lies will do, it all goes terribly wrong…

The Ugly Duchess could have been so much better and I really wanted to love this book. The biggest issue that I had with this book is that James does not stay true to Theo and somewhere along the line James became an ass. Granted they were divorced in their hearts but this is a romance novel. Of course they ended up with a happily ever after. Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t get right with adultery.

Any romance reader worth their salt will tell you that it isn’t just about the happily ever after but it’s also about the journey to the happily ever after. Overall The Ugly Duchess by Eloisa James is a good read but not great.

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  • 28 October, 2012: Reviewed