Reviewed by funstm on

4 of 5 stars

I adore Sophie. She was cool in the first book and she was wicked in this one. Sophie is a survivor. She's survived her childhood and law school and betrayal and now a stalker. I liked the relationship between her and Lex. Although I wouldn't say it was anything special - typical romantic suspense more or less. I love Ethan as well so I was glad to see more of his relationship with Sophie. And I loved that they both spent years thinking they were protecting each other from the fallout of killing her parents. Except they're both innocent. It was kind of funny in a dark twisted way. Lex was alright. I didn't really mind him one way or another. I like that this story follows from Watch Me and this one leads into Need Me. I wouldn't say it's necessary to read in order but it does make it more enjoyable to do so. Loved it. 4 stars.

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  • 9 August, 2020: Finished reading
  • 9 August, 2020: Reviewed
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  • 9 August, 2020: Reviewed