The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley

The Ministry of Time

by Kaliane Bradley

The instant Sunday Times and New York Times bestseller

'The hit of the year'

'Crack this book open and you'll see how time can disappear'
Financial Times

'Readers, I envy you: There's a smart, witty novel in your future'
Washington Post

A civil servant is offered a lucrative job in a mysterious new government ministry gathering 'expats' from across history to test whether time-travel is feasible.

Her role is to work as a 'bridge': living with, supporting and monitoring expat '1847' - Commander Graham Gore, a former Victorian polar explorer. Gore, an adventurer by trade, soon adjusts to this bizarre new world of washing...Read more

Reviewed by Terri M. LeBlanc on


The Ministry of Time was a delightful fun time travel book. What a unique concept! Equal parts mystery, political intrigue and laugh out loud funny. I can't wait for other to discover this book.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Reading updates

  • 2 January, 2024: Started reading
  • 2 January, 2024: on page 0 out of 368 0%
  • 5 January, 2024: Finished reading
  • 26 February, 2024: Reviewed