Storm Cursed by Patricia Briggs

Storm Cursed (Mercy Thompson, #11)

by Patricia Briggs

In this powerful entry in the #1 New York Times bestselling series, Mercy Thompson must face a deadly enemy to defend all she loves…
My name is Mercedes Athena Thompson Hauptman, and I am a car mechanic.
And a coyote shapeshifter.
And the mate of the Alpha of the Columbia Basin werewolf pack.
Even so, none of that would have gotten me into trouble if, a few months ago, I hadn’t stood upon a bridge and taken responsibility for the safety of the citizens who lived in our territory. It seemed like the thing to do at...Read more

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

5 of 5 stars

Caffeinated Reasons You’ll Devour Storm Cursed

-Briggs stepped up her game and brought an action-packed tale as witches descend on the Tri-Cities. Before all is said and done Mercy will discover another of her abilities.

-The pack is tasked with security during the human and fae negotiations. Mercy is to act as liaison, but first she needs to deal with some odd zombies and deadly witches.

-Action-packed and plot-driven, Storm Cursed by Patricia Briggs grabbed me and never let go.

-I love that we are eleven books in and yet the storyline still feels fresh. Briggs crafted a story that pulled me in. She made me cringe, laugh aloud, swoon and gasp.

-Development and threads regarding secondary characters blew my mind. We see and learn more about Sherwood Post. Zee is present, as is Uncle Mike and Larry the Goblin King. Zee always has Mercy’s back and I enjoyed his presence. Wulfe is a part of our story and oh my! *shivers*

-Trolls, Orgs, and Zombie Goats. This tale had it all as Mercy, the pack and her friends dealt with some nasty witches.
Briggs delivered as she fleshed out newer characters, shared history on some older ones and scared the bejesus out of me. Dark magic is not to be messed

-Coyote. Any page time with him is ALWAYS interesting. Some things he said have me eager for more!
This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • 7 April, 2019: Finished reading
  • 7 April, 2019: Reviewed
  • Started reading
  • 7 April, 2019: Finished reading
  • 7 April, 2019: Reviewed