Be Still My Vampire Heart by Kerrelyn Sparks

Be Still My Vampire Heart (Love at Stake, #3)

by Kerrelyn Sparks

In her third book for Avon, Kerrelyn Sparks, the future Queen of paranormal fiction, proves that nothing beats a man in a kilt when this Scottish vampire meets his match in a mortal slayer with a grudge. Emma Watson has made it her mission to get revenge on the monsters who killed her parents. As a member of the CIA's Stake-Out team, Emma's got no time to distinguish between good vamps and bad. They're all bloodthirsty murderers and she will not rest until they're defeated. When Angus MacKay is assigned to find a vampire slayer, he never expected to meet anyone like Emma Watson. Now, deeply attracted to the young woman, Angus must convince her that not all vampires are evil - before she finds out who he is and adds him to her hit list. But Angus and Emma soon have bigger problems when someone from Angus' past resurfaces with an agenda of her own to fulfill...

Reviewed by Hixxup on

4 of 5 stars

This was the best I've read so far in this series... ok granted this is the third book in the series but still, I wasn't too hopeful on the rest of this series. I mean the first book was alright, but wasn't the best, and the second one was a little boring but I kept on trucking and finished it, and yet I decided to give this series one more chance. I'm glad I did because I really liked Angus and Emma's story. It was really passionate and heartwarming.

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  • Started reading
  • 19 December, 2012: Finished reading
  • 19 December, 2012: Reviewed