Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

Dr. Claudia Ellers is kidnapped to save Sean Reynolds life. Bradley, Sean’s best friend kidnaps Claudia and then forces her to help Sean, who has a bullet in his shoulder. Sean and Bradley work for the Irish mob. Sean is the first man Claudia is attracted to in a long time. Claudia has a hard time getting close to people, but with Sean she seems to have an instant connection. Sean and Claudia are thrown together during an intense time and they grow close to one another. Claudia’s world is turned upside down and it slowly changes her.

I’m not sure I like Sean. He can be cruel, mean and rough and than other times he is tender and kind. He is a dominate man and wants Claudia to submit to him. One thing I can say, when Sean and Claudia are together, it is scorching hot.

This is a story about two people from different worlds who meet in an unexpected way. Sean and Claudia slowly evolve and are forced to make some hard decisions. It is a dark, edgy series that at times made me squirm. Sean and his friends are volatile and there is a lot of violence in this book. Some of the characters didn’t have any redeeming qualities. At times, I needed to take a break from the characters because they upset me and the story was so intense. This is an interesting, well written, dark story about the underbelly of life and the people who exist in it. Can good overcome evil and can people change for the better? .

Reviewed by Karen for Cocktails and Books

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  • 25 August, 2013: Reviewed