Batgirl: A Celebration of 50 Years by Various, Jimmy Palmiotti

Batgirl: A Celebration of 50 Years

by Various and Jimmy Palmiotti

Spanning over five decades, Batgirl has been one of Batman's most loyal
sidekicks. Iconic moments of Barbara Gordon as Batgirl are captured in this
anthology highlighting the best and brightest moments of Batgirl's renowned
history. Using her brain to outsmart her opponents, Batgirl stands strong
against her enemies. Whether working with a team or venturing on her own,
Batgirl's adaptability to situations makes her one of the most versatile and
popular characters in the DC Universe.

Reviewed by sleepseeker on

4 of 5 stars

This was a fantastic read. It's perfect for anybody who wants to see the early years of Batgirl, especially Barbara Gordon. It has a few stories of other Batgirls throughout the the 50 years, but has mostly Barbara Gordon Batgirl featured here.

The early years of Batgirl does show the age of when the comics were made, especially how they talked about her as a girl. However it didn't take away from my reading experience. Even back then, Barbara was a strong minded individual.

I liked the few stories we got of Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown. I've read New 52 and onward comics, so I know who they are. I have picked up a few TPB's of those two as Batgirl and I can't wait to read them. The few stories in this volume do well to show the stark difference of how each handled being Batgirl. I liked those two as Batgirl as well.

The love reading the couple of stories we got of the early years as Oracle. I started reading DC at the start of New 52, so I haven't read much Oracle comics, but I do know the basics of her backstory. Those story just highlighted the strong willed of Barbara and how she doesn't give up, even when her whole world gets shaken up.

Overall, this book show what it's about, in showing the history of Batgirl. Yes the comics can be dated, especially about woman in general and hard to read if you've never read old comics. But it is the history of Batgirl and I loved reading the origins since I've always loved Batgirl, especially Barbara Gordon and her strength of will.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 July, 2021: Finished reading
  • 26 July, 2021: Reviewed