Reviewed by Sam@WLABB on

4 of 5 stars

This is my third visit to Inspiration, and I have to say, I love this town and it denizens more and more with each visit. I love when the towns become characters in a series, and I have added Inspiration to a list of places I want to live.

This time around, we got to know Tuck a little better. As chief of police, he was very involved in the day to day affairs of Independence. This was a town he grew to love, because of what it gave to him in his time of need, and being the police chief and an integral part of the community was his way of giving back. As everyone in his inner circle was pairing off, he was still unattached, by choice, but then fate reunited him with a one night stand from years ago, who had never been able to forget.

What can I say, Doyle knows how to write a great, sexy, heartfelt HEA romance. I know going into all her books, that I will get a story filled with humor, warmth, and emotion, that will leave my heart fuller than when I started.

This book continued that tradition. I liked both Karen and Tuck so much. I don't know what it is, but I love a slightly wounded character, and these two had some scars that were keeping them from seizing their own happiness. I liked watching the characters work through their issues with doctors and cops and I liked that this was partially accomplished together. I also really liked the way Doyle let it unfold. We knew from the beginning that each had a hang up with the others profession, but we did not know why. Bit by bit, Doyle fed us hints as to what it was all about, but the full on confession they made to each other was this important moment in the evolution of their relationship.
"I know you don't want the same things I do, but I don't want to give up on the idea of there being an us."

I know I am making it sound like this was such a smooth ride from their roadside reunion to their HEA, but this is a romance novel, so of course, there were tons of bumps in the road. Karen was the biggest obstacle, and I was quite taken with the way Tuck navigated those obstacles. He was patient and persistent. There were some really beautiful gestures he made and even a sort of "grand gesture" after one of his biggest missteps in the book.
"But I can assure you that I will spend every day I have with you savoring it and wishing for the next."

Karen had dealt with a lot of rejection and loss. She had been ridiculed for her emotions, and therefore, just packed them away with one day of the week, Tuesday, designated as her day to let it all out. It was sort of wonderful, the way the people of Independence were able to wedge their way into her heart and utilize those cracks in her armor. I wanted her to open up and live again. I wanted her to feel and enjoy and be part of something without fear. I was rooting for Karen and Tuck as a couple, but I was also rooting for Karen alone, and wanted so many things for her, because she really deserved it.
"Officer Hottie looks good on you."

This book had a great hero and heroine combined with a cosy town filled with some great characters, who were pretty wonderful, and a little Christmas thrown in there for good measure, which resulted in a mighty fine reading experience.

**I would like to thank the publishers for the advanced reading copy of this book.


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  • 30 September, 2017: Finished reading
  • 30 September, 2017: Reviewed