Reviewed by Chelsea on

3 of 5 stars

This book was only average for me. It didn’t suck me into a new world or make me attached to the characters. It was a good idea though. The plot was pretty cool and some of the characters were ok but it was nothing special.

I found the main character, Ember, to be really annoying and whiny, Boo I have no friends, boo everyone makes fun of me. She gives them a reason to be mean. She’s too peppy and really, really naive. I can’t stand those qualities in a main character. Basically instead of having a strong female heroine, the author made her this really typical teenage girl who just wants to fit in. I want to read a good story about a main character I can look up to. She’s not someone anybody should be looking up to. She has no redeeming qualities. One character I really liked was Gavin. The only thing was, we hardly see him in the book. He’s just kind of around sometimes, not really a part of anything. Same with Wolf. He was the big brother figure but he was hardly ever around. Jayd was ok at the start but then he started dating this girl and everything went downhill from there. I thin k this author needs to work on character development.

I also wasn’t a huge fan of the plot. The writing wasn’t really good and it hurt the story. You could tell that the plot could have been good if some things were tweaked a little. Or a lot.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 November, 2013: Finished reading
  • 9 November, 2013: Reviewed