Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

This was my first Ava Harrison book and I have to say, despite the gut-wrenching angst, I enjoyed this. The Aria, the heroine was a tough one, especially given the emotional upheaval she was in for most of the book. But by the time I got to the last page, I truly believed Aria has managed to turn her life around and found her happiness.

When we meet Aria, she was a hot mess. She lied to the man she loved, got a phone call that sent her on a downward spiral and she hops a plane to Europe. I was left wondering what kind of message she got in that phone call and how had this girl gotten through life clinging to her best friend Patrick. But as the story unfolds, we discover there is quite a bit about Aria that has made her the mess she is today. Her brother drowned while saving her, her mother is a verbally abusive alcoholic who likes to take her shots at Aria and her father ignores her. There are only 2 people in her life that actually give a damn about her: her brother's best friend, Parker, and her best friend, Shelly. Both may care about her, but it's Parker she holds onto. Parker who she loves and withstands his rejections. And ultimately Parker who is the catalyst for Aria's European getaway. We discover Aria is a runner and her trip across the pond isn't so much about doing something she and Parker wanted to do, but rather a convenient excuse for her to run away from what she doesn't want to accept back home. Her one saving grace on his trip, meeting fellow American Chase Porter.

Chase waxes poetic and often dispenses thoughtful advice to a somber Aria. She doesn't always believe what Chase says, but she finds herself wanting to believe. She wants to find her happy, she just doesn't know how to do it. She's lived her life for so long for other people, figuring out who she is and what she wants becomes important to her and to Chase. Chase helps her face her fears. To realize she can be her own person. And to finally understand what true love is. Nothing comes easy for Aria, mainly because of her own actions, but when she finally figures things out so goes to the one person that feels like home and writes her own adventure.

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  • 25 March, 2016: Reviewed