Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars


I'm sad to see the Ecstasy end…?

Eternal Ecstasy is the last book in the Guardians of the Realms series and I’m a wee bit sad. Setta Jay writes paranormal smut that ticks all my boxes. Each instalment has an exciting and action-packed storyline, interesting characters and the kind of smutty smut that has me smirking, squirming and smiling. But, the best part of Setta’s books is her bossy, possessive and growly heroes. I love to step away from reality and fall for men who beat their chests, need their mate in touching distance and are happiest when their mate is smirking, squirming and smiling.

This series has an awesome ongoing storyline where the Guardians were created to protect the world from evil. The 12 Guardians appointed are made up of men and women with special abilities and talents. Their jobs have given them a single-minded focus which has, up till now, distracted them from their loneliness. Each knows that they are destined to find their one true mate and no other will be able to fill that space.

As evil comes closer to destroying the world, their true mates come into their lives to make them stronger, fiercer and happier than they ever dreamed. The Guardians have always been determined to save the world but now, they have even more reason to.

I’m so excited we’ve finally come to Sirena’s story. It has been a struggle seeing her watch her fellow Guardians finding their forever mate. Sirena is happy to see her brothers and sisters (Guardians) find their one but she’s also jealous.

Sirena wants and needs someone to adore her and put her first for a change. As the healer, her job is to see to others health and well-being and it’s normally at the cost of her own. At the end of Storm of Ecstasy - #9, we get a glimpse of where and who her destiny is aligned with and to be honest, I wasn’t at all sure how things would go.

Hroarr (picture Jason Momoa) is the ruling God of Thule. His job is very important and he doesn’t have time for things like feelings. After meeting Sirena, he decides that he will keep her as payment for helping the Guardians fight the darkness and save their world. He’s a God, and what Hroarr wants, he gets. Funny thing is, Sirena is not so keen to become his pet or sexual slave...just because he says so. Turns out that this God may have to actually set aside some time to talk to this woman…THE HORROR!!

What follows, is a very different kind of mating than what we have seen previously. Sure, it’s great that they aren’t all the same but to be honest, I missed seeing the FRENZY take hold. Both Sirena and Hroarr struggle with their feelings and connection. Hroarr knows that he has an unusual need for Sirena but doesn’t understand the feelings attached to the need. Slowly we get to see their communication lead to a better understanding of each other and when they share their histories…it all makes sense.

Well, the Darkness came and all the Guardians, mates and good Gods unite to fight the baddies. The action was exciting and I could picture the ending scenes as they played out.

I enjoyed Eternal Ecstasy. I was a wee bit disappointed that Sirena’s mate took awhile to get into the swing of things when it came to being possessive and nurturing. It definitely came but it lacked the overwhelming frenzy that I’ve come to enjoy.

It was fantastic to see all of the Guardians and their loved ones fighting together to beat the Tria and the Darkness that comes with them. The little glimpse into the future put a big goofy smile on my face.

I’m sad that the Guardians of the Realms is over but I’m excited to see what Setta Jay comes out with next.

To buy Eternal Ecstasy from Amazon -

I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

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  • 4 February, 2017: Finished reading
  • 4 February, 2017: Reviewed