Death Among the Doilies by Mollie Cox Bryan

Death Among the Doilies (A Cora Crafts Mystery, #1)

by Mollie Cox Bryan

“The perfect weekend getaway: crafting, food, and a murder or two!”—New York Times bestselling author Lynn Cahoon

For thirty-something blogger Cora Chevalier, small-town Indigo Gap, North Carolina, seems like the perfect place to reinvent her life. Shedding a stressful past as a counselor for a women’s shelter, Cora is pouring all her talents—and most of her savings—into a craft retreat business, with help from close pal and resident potter Jane Starr. Between transforming her Victorian estate into a crafter’s paradise and babysitting Jane’s daughter, the new entrepreneur has no time for distractions. Especially rumors about the murder of...Read more

Reviewed by funstm on

2 of 5 stars

Cora and Jane annoyed me with their wishywashyness. They were all over the place, saying one thing and then doing another. Both characters are high strung, weak and judgey. The romance between all the characters was particularly irritating and unnecessary. I liked the idea of a craft retreat and Cora running a craft blog which encourages people to come there, but the execution fell flat. (show spoiler) The mystery was fairly interesting if not pretty predictable. Overall, 2 stars, on the lower side of 2.

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  • Started reading
  • 27 February, 2020: Finished reading
  • 27 February, 2020: Reviewed