Brought to Book by Anthea Fraser

Brought to Book (Rona Parish, #1)

by Anthea Fraser

Rona Parish is a successful biographer who is asked to write the life story of Theo Harvey who led a most colourful life. As she begins to delve into his life and death it becomes apparent that she has been handed a poisoned chalice.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4.5 of 5 stars


Originally posted on my blog Nonstop Reader.

Brought to Book is the first Rona Parish cozy mystery by Anthea Fraser. Originally published in 2003, this reformat and re-release is from Severn House, has 224 pages and is available in ebook format. Other editions available in other formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links. I've really become enamored of ebooks with interactive formats lately.

This is a beautifully well written, eminently readable, and entertaining cozy mystery; the first in the series of 10 books. The protagonist is a well regarded and intelligent biographer who is approached to write a biography of a recently deceased famous author and finds that his life and death might be much more complex that anyone was previously aware. 

The plot is intricate and the mystery so well constructed. The author has a gift with descriptive prose and there is no "telling" and all "showing". Ms. Fraser manages to convey mood and setting effectively and seamlessly.

As befits the genre, the language is relatively clean (a few "bloodies", "damn" and a single "buggered" (used as a mild idiomatic curse, not literally)), and the violence is off-page. There is a poisoning, of the MC's golden retriever, Gus. No spoilers, but I didn't throw the book out the window. Spelling and vernacular are standard British English, but won't pose problems in context for readers elsewhere.

Wonderfully written and worthwhile. With 10 books in the series, it would be a perfect candidate for a long binge or buddy read, as well as a nice side project for a mystery book club to tackle. There are worthwhile discussion themes and interestingly varied characters. 

Four and a half stars. Sincere hopes that Severn House's plans include new editions for the rest of the series. 

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes. 

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