Fear the Darkness by Alexandra Ivy

Fear the Darkness (Guardians of Eternity, #9)

by Alexandra Ivy

Caine, a pure-blooded Were in need of redemption, struggles to keep Cassie, a Were prophet gifted with visions that portend the fate of the world, safe as her visions lead them to a deadly enemy bent on destroying the world.

Reviewed by EBookObsessed on

4 of 5 stars

This novel features Caine and Cassandra. Caine has started out in this series as a bad-guy. Caine was a cur (a human turned werewolf) and a cur, although stronger than a human with a longer life span, was still a mortal creature. Caine had been told a century ago that he would one day become a pureblood (or born) werewolf, stronger than a mere cur and immortal. Caine has been working toward finding a way to be come pureblood for decades, using whoever or whatever necessary to achieve his goal, even turning to modern science for a way.

As we have been following so far, when Caine finds Cassandra in the caves under the old church, being held by a demon lord, he fights the demon lord to the death and as Caine is dying, he absorbs the energy of a pureblood Were drained by the demon lord. Caine has finally fulfilled the vision and has been reborn as a pureblood, and now he knows why; to protect Cassandra, the missing pureblood sister to Harley, Regin and Darcy. She is also the first true prophet in centuries, and the most sought after being alive.

Now not only do the Weres and the vampire want to find the missing sister, but the Dark Lord is still lurking, trying to break out of his exile from this world. He wants his minions to bring him the prophet so she can prophesize his return to this dimension and his rule of the world.

I have been waiting for the story of Caine and Cassandra for some time now and was very excited to finally get my hands on a copy. I was 100 percent happy with Cassie and Caine’s story, but my only disappointment was that Caine and Cassandra pretty much disappear from their own book about half way through. Then the story focuses on the action between the Dark Lord, his minions and the vampires/were trying to find Cassie and Caine and preparing to fight the Dark Lord. So sadly, Caine and Cassandra’s love story ended up being more of a novella within Fear the Darkness.

Just be aware when you pick up your copy of Fear the Darkness that it is more like two novellas combined; one of our H/H Caine and Cassie and the other is an epic battle between our Guardians and the Dark Lord (but not necessarily the end??) . So judging them both, I would give them both 4 stars as both were good stories, I just would have been happier to know at the start that Cassie and Caine got relegated to the background of their own story just when things were getting real good.

Received ARC from Kensington Books. Thank you.

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  • 4 August, 2012: Finished reading
  • 4 August, 2012: Reviewed